About Us
Smart Turnout is an authentic heritage brand that delivers classic British style, with character; and whose name derives from the historic British military term, to be “smartly turned out” (looking your very best, no less).
Our collections of Socks and Cufflinks include popular ranges based upon the colours and traditions of British counties. Reflecting the ancestry of British ties, cotton and finely woven wool are used in our range - the wool harvested from Highland sheep.
And on our Institutions pages are products for those who have earned their stripes within them. These represent a fraction of the many established institutions (from prestigious clubs and schools, to universities and regiments) both here in Britain and around the world, from whom we receive regular commissions. And they come to us, not only because they know that we shall understand their culture, but because they know that the quality of our products will meet (and, in all likelihood, surpass) the high standard to which they aspire. Such wholesale enquiries can be sent to us at wholesale@smartturnoutlondon.com.
Thank you for visiting our webstore, where we hope you find something to lift your spirits in the wearing; for we should be delighted to see you join our multitude of contented customers.